Appendix D—VERIS H8035/H8036 Emulation
The Power Patrol meter can be used as a direct replacement for the Veris, Inc. H8035/H8036 series of
networked power meters. This mirroring of the Veris Modbus register assignments makes replacement
with a Power Patrol meter simple. However, because the number of parameters that the Veris meters
measure is less than half of what the Power Patrol
can measure, the other Modbus registers described in
the table need to be used to utilize the additional capabilities of the Power Patrol.
Writing a 1 to register 44526 sets the Slave ID to Veris mode and HeadStart lists the Veris registers in the
Read/Write Registers
When register 44526 contains a 1 for Veris mode, the Slave ID command format is:
91hFFh(Veris type), Full-Data, Modbus, (CT value) Amp
The following is an example command with CT set for 100A:
91hFFhVeris H8036-0100-2, Full-Data, Modbus, 100 Amp
Example command explanation:
91h = version control
FFh = standard for active
The 91h and FFh are 4 bytes in front of the string that are not displayed in the RTU.
CT Amperage Rating
Veris Model Number
CT ≤ 100A
Veris Type = H8036-0100-2
CT Value = 100A
100A < CT ≤ 300A
Veris Type = H8036-0300-2
CT Value = 300A
300A < CT ≤ 400A
Veris Type = H8036-0400-3
CT Value = 400A
400A < CT ≤ 800A
Veris Type = H8036-0800-3
CT Value = 800A
800A < CT ≤ 1600A
Veris Type = H8036-1600-4
CT Value = 1600A
CT >1600A
Veris Type = H8036-2400-4
CT Value = 2400A
Table D-1: CT Amp Rating to Veris Models