Mounting a Power Patrol Meter
The Power Patrol
meter must be installed in an approved electrical panel or enclosure using proper
installation practices according to the local electrical codes.
To mount the Power Patrol, use the two tabs provided at both ends of the case. Securely mount
the Power Patrol near a dedicated circuit disconnect breaker.
Figure I-1: Power Patrol mounting tabas
Wiring Connections on a Power Patrol Meter
High voltage MAY BE PRESENT. Risk of electric shock. Life threatening voltages may be present.
Qualified personnel only.
Haute tension peut être présente. Risque de choc électrique. Tensions dangereuses peuvent
être présentes. Personnel qualifié uniquement.
The Power Patrol meter has the following connections:
Either a three-wire connector for the RS-485 BACnet/Modbus link and/or an Ethernet
Four voltage connections. Voltage leads are customer supplied. The Power Patrol meter is self-
powered from L1 and L2.
Remove the meter from all sources of voltage before mounting.
Mounting tab,
located on each
end of meter case