Setting the Network Address Switches
There are two rotary network address switches on a serial Power Patrol, labeled MSB (Most Significant
Byte) and LSB (Least Significant Byte). These two switches are used to select the BACnet/Modbus
address the client uses to communicate with the Power Patrol meter.
The rotary switches are 16-position, hexadecimal switches. The default factory setting is hex 01. The
address is a hexadecimal (hex) value, represented by the digits 0 through 9 and letters A through F. For
example, a network address of 100 in decimal is converted to 64 hexadecimal and set on the Power
Patrol by:
Upper switch—select 6
Lower switch—select 4
In some cases the hex value may need to be converted to decimal when entered into the RTU or data
logger. See the Appendix for a hexadecimal conversion table.
BACnet MS/TP masters only support addresses 001–127.
BACnet Address Availability
Reserved for resetting the Power Patrol to Modbus mode with 9600 baud,
8 bit, 1 stop bit and no parity.
Available (01 is the factory default setting).
Reserved for BACnet slave devices.
The rotary switches can be used to configure the communication protocol
to BACnet or Modbus as well as changing the baud rate if unsure of the
current settings.
Table III-1: BACnet Hexadecimal/Decimal Address Availability