Tau User’s Manual
Operation Details
Page 15
Instrument Communication
The standard adapter cable for the LISST-Tau sends data through a
USB port. However, the LISST-Tau itself communicates through RS-
232 serial protocol. The 6-pin male connector on the LISST-Tau carries
the RS-232 signals (and power). The cables incorporate adapters that
convert between RS-232 and USB.
If you use a different cable that does not include the RS-232-to-USB
adapter, you can use an external adapter, or connect directly to an RS-
232 port if your computer has one (which is rare on any recent
computer). In Windows, both RS-232 and USB connections will appear
as COM ports. To establish communication with LISST-Tau or other
software, you must set the software to communicate with the correct
COM port.
If interfacing to a data logger or controller system other than a Windows
computer, you will likely also use a direct RS-232 connection.
The RS232 link communicates at 19200 baud, 8 data bits, No parity,
and 1 stop bit.
The format and definitions of the output quantities are listed in
Appendix B: Data Output Format
on page 23.
Using the LISST-
Tau Terminal
In the LISST-Tau software you can open a terminal window to directly
view communications with the LISST-Tau and enter commands. When
the LISST-Tau is connected and the terminal window is activated, the
LISST-Tau should respond to pressing the enter key with the LTau:>
prompt. The Terminal window can be opened by clicking on the Gear
icon in the lower right of the LISST-Tau window and selecting Open
In most cases, LISST-Tau software will be used to configure and
operate the LISST-Tau. However, some functions are available only
through direct commands in the terminal window. Also, in some
applications the LISST-Tau may need to communicate to another
datalogger or custom program. For this purpose, a large set of
commands is available to operate the instrument. See the following
section for detailed descriptions of each command.