Tau User’s Manual
Operation Details
Page 7
Establishing Communication with the LISST-Tau
Establish communication with LISST-Tau using the supplied software and USB cable.
Communicating with the LISST-Tau via the provided software should be automatic. Should
there be a problem you can use these step-by-step instructions to troubleshoot the problem.
If the software is open, close the program, then plug
the USB communication cable to the LISST-Tau and
to a USB port on your computer.
LISST-Tau will be
powered on
After plugging the USB cable into your computer, the
drivers for the USB to serial converter should install
automatically. You should see a notification on the
task bar that drivers are being installed. If you are
unsure if the drivers installed you can install the
drivers manually by running
‘CDM USB Drivers.exe’
located on the memory card that came with your
Computer is now set up
to communicate with
the LISST-Tau
After the driver installation is compete, open the
LISST-Tau software.
LISST-Tau software
appears onscreen
The LISST-Tau software will automatically search the
available COM ports until it is able to communicate
with a LISST-Tau. The serial port that is being used
will be shown in the lower left of the screen.
To manually selected a different COMM port, click on
the Settings icon (Gears) in the lower right corner of
the window and choose Communications Settings.
The short cut to Communications Settings is Ctrl-R.
Uncheck the
Automatically locate instrument port
checkbox and select from the list of available ports in
the drop-down list.
If you have trouble finding the right port, open the
Device Manger on your computer. Unplug and then re-
plug the USB cable into your computer. The port that
appears in the Device Manger when you plug in the
USB cable is the port you need to select in the LISST-
Tau software. If no port appears, go back to step 2
and reinstall the USB drivers.
Software will be
configured to connect to
the LISST-Tau
The data from the LISST-Tau should now be
displayed on the screen at a rate of once per second.
LISST-Tau and
software are now