P R O P R I E T A R Y I N F O R M A T I O N A N D M A T E R I A L S O F U N I T E C I N C .
Prepaid Upgrades
– Provides a count of and dollar amount earned for upgrades purchased with a wash
package. The usage metric shows the percentage of activations for each wash type.
Code Sale
s – Provides a count of code sales and is displayed by POS device – pump, c-store register, or
remote console. The usage metric shows the percentage of activations for each wash type.
Payments -
Provides a list of payment methods used with the percentage of use (based on $ value).
Cash Report
The cash report provides details on cash, coupons and tokens that were received and dispensed during
the business day. The report can be generated for the current day (as a real time snapshot) or for any
previous day. To run a Cash report:
Figure 7.5. Cash Report Settings
Select the start date and time, then select the end date and time. Click Run Report.
An example report is shown below with descriptions of the included data.