P R O P R I E T A R Y I N F O R M A T I O N A N D M A T E R I A L S O F U N I T E C I N C .
The promotions feature is used to set up and manage various marketing programs. The types of programs
that are available include discounts, complimentary washes, fundraisers, scheduled specials and prize
promotions. Reports for tracking and managing these programs are accessed through the menu options
on the left side of the promotions management pages (as shown below). The value of promotions used in
a time period is shown in the ‘discounts’ field of the summary section at the top of the site revenue
NOTE: When using tokens with a Promotion, the Wash Select II is limited to using cash only when paying
the remaining balance of the wash after the token has been accepted. Credit is not allowed when paying a
balance remainder when tokens are used to purchase the wash.
NOTE: Coupons are not supported for Canadian sites.
Figure 5.1. Promotions - Main Screen
Discounts can be configured so the value varies by wash package. The methods for redeeming a discount
include code entry, card, coupon (inserted at the Bill Acceptor) or token. Other programmable features
Usage Limit – total number of uses allowed and number of uses allowed in a single transaction
Scheduling – Limit use of the discount to a specific date range, specific days of the week
and/or, specific hours of the day
Complimentary Washes
The complimentary wash promotion provides a free wash when redeemed. Like the discount, this
promotion can be configured for redemption by a code, paper coupon or token. The complimentary wash
can also be set with a schedule to limit the days and/or hours when it can be used.