P R O P R I E T A R Y I N F O R M A T I O N A N D M A T E R I A L S O F U N I T E C I N C .
Sierra will authenticate users with Administrative Access (User Management and/or Utilities) on
every login by requiring not only the user ID and password, but also a 6-digit security code that will
be sent to the user’s mobile phone. This code will differ every time and expire after 5 minutes.
The requirements for MFA are:
A newly installed Unitec system running 1.76.1 software or higher
Active Internet connection for Sierra
Mobile phone with texting capabilities onsite
Note: MFA is only required for remote access points – for example, logging into Sierra through the
router, logging in remotely through the Internet, or logging in from secondary units. Local access
points do not require MFA. Local access points include logging directly into the Sierra application
from the Primary kiosk with a keyboard and mouse, and logging directly into a Sierra Site Controller
with a monitor, keyboard and mouse.
Once the administrative password is changed, the MFA screen will be displayed. It explains the
Figure 2.3. Multi Factor Authentication Screen
You must enter their mobile phone number and click Submit.