P R O P R I E T A R Y I N F O R M A T I O N A N D M A T E R I A L S O F U N I T E C I N C .
Transaction Report
The transaction report provides a list of all transactions that were recorded over the reporting period.
Reports can be generated for the current business day, previous day or for a user-specified date range.
Figure 7.7. Transaction Report Settings
Additional filters are provided to refine reports include:
Devices – show transactions for a single payment device on the site.
Products – show transactions where a specific product (wash or added service) was purchased.
Payment Type – show transactions where a specific payment type (cash, credit, house account etc.) was
used. Additional filters are provided for some payment types to further refine the report to a specific
account or account type.
An example report is shown below. The date, time, amount, device, product and any discounts applied
are listed for each purchase. The payment column displays the specific payment types used. This column
will show ‘Multiple’ for a transaction that included multiple payment types (i.e., split tender). The Account