SL320003270 Ed 03_EN
- Assemble in the pump tube the air inlet valve (F) and the air
flow regulator (E).
- Lubricate the connection racor O-ring (B) with vaseline. Pull
the subjection (A) to the left and introduce the connection racor
(B) in the inlet pipe (C). Release the subjection (A) in order to
block the connection racor (B).
- Introduce the product suction tube carefully into the peristaltic
pump. The tube must not be twisted, too tense or pressed
against the pump's compression rollers. Make sure that the
tube is positioned in the centre of the compression rollers and
close the lid of the pump.
If, after the cleaning it is expected that the
machine will not operate until the next day it
is necessary to left the lid pump open.
Therefore it is necessary to remember
closing it before the next use.
-Replace the fridge top tray.
7.1.8 Agitator assembly
To assemble the agitator proceed as follows:
- Lubricate the shaft seal and introduce it through the agitator.
Cool the agitator before insert it into the
- Push the assembled agitator onto the cylinder and turn it
clockwise until it is fixed in position
with the drive shaft, if this is not properly fixed the tap body will
not close and the mixture will come out through the cylinder.