This device emits intense
illumination that can be
Never look directly at the LED ports or reflected from the LED or the fiber
optic light guides.
Limit exposure of tissue or organs other than is required for the relevant
surgical procedures.
Do not illuminate patient until ready and turn illumination off when the
procedure has been completed.
Do not direct the illumination beam at the patient’s eyes / shield the
patient’s eyes if necessary.
Do not operate the illuminator with the light guides disconnected.
Use only with shielding
in place.
Protect eyes & skin from
exposure to intense light.
Familiarize with all the instructions on all the device placards, including on the rear of the device. If
unable to read, move closer and increase illumination.
If, at any time after the installation, an event of dropping, fluid ingress, or other such event that could
reasonably create damage or a hazard STOP and arrange for qualified maintenance personnel to
If, at any point, you suspect something is wrong then terminate operation of the Seiler’s LED Heliolux
by pressing the MAINS ON/OFF (blue switch with international 0/1 designation). The blue light
should be off. Then remain the MAINS cable. Consult the factory with information as to why the
installation was halted.
Do not use sharp instruments during use as doing so could damage internal components and create
a hazard.
Do not operate the device without an approved light guide installed.
Turn MAINS power OFF before removing power.
Never look directly into light port.
Read the rear label at angle under 10 degrees from distance less than 0.25 meter with minimum
lighting of 1500 lux.
• Confirm device has been properly installed.
Appropriate light cable is installed at both ends (Seiler’s LED Heliolux and device requiring
Hospital grade power cable is properly installed.
Device is not located near critical device that could be influenced by electro-magnetic energy levels.
Venting on device is not blocked.
No damage is present on device.
Not in presence of flammable gases or fluids.
• Turn on MAINS ON/OFF switch (blue switch with international 0/1 designation).
• Confirm LCD screen provides indication (active) and is in STANDBY mode.
• Select dimming level by pressing UP or DOWN buttons.
• Ensure output of illumination does not violate any of the hazard mitigation instructions (i.e is not directed
into someone’s eyes).
• Shift to RUN mode by pushing the RUN / STANDBY mode button.