Familiarize with all the instructions on all the device placards, including on the rear of the device.
If unable to read, move closer and increase illumination.
If, at any point during or after the installation, an event of dropping, fluid ingress, or other such event
that could reasonably create damage or a hazard STOP and arrange for qualified maintenance
personnel to inspect.
If, at any point, you suspect something is wrong then terminate installation / operation of the Seiler’s
LED Heliolux by pressing the MAINS ON/OFF (blue switch with international 0/1 designation). The
blue light should be off. Then remain the MAINS cable. Consult the factory with information as to why
the installation was halted.
If, at any point, you determine that the ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of the device has been
impaired (due to electro-magnetic interference or other causes), then terminate installation / operation
and consult the factory before continuing.
Do not use sharp instruments during installation as doing so could damage internal components and
create a hazard.
Ensure no residual packaging materials (foam peanuts, etc.) are inside the unit.
Use of a disposable material over the device to prevent fluids from splashing on the unit, is
discouraged. Should it be used it is the installer’s responsibility to ensure it does not block airflow
AND is not a flammable material. Failure to follow this instruction could result in a fire.
Do not operate the device without an approved light guide installed.
Never look directly into light port.
Never connect any device to the factory programming port on the rear panel.
Read the rear label at angle under 10 degrees from distance less than 0.25 meter with minimum
lighting of 1500 lux.
Site (position) the device:
To avoid risk of electric shock this equipment must be connected to a supply mains with protective
earth. Confirm such mains power is available within range of the hospital grade power cord.
Site the device in such a way as the MAINS ON/OFF switch and the MAINS supply cable are not
obstructed (difficult to access).
Site the device a minimum of 24 inches from any other electrical / electronic devices to mitigate
electro-magnetic efforts between devices.
Ensure no flammability issues with the siting.
Ensure no electromagnetic compatibility issues with the siting.
Ensure no ventilation issues with the siting.
• Seiler’s LED Heliolux
should be positioned as far from the patient as is possible within the constraints
of the larger system and the light cable.
• Seiler’s LED Heliolux
is not designed for use in STACKED Configuration. Do not stack multiple units
Do not site the device near any materials that could be impacted by high intensity light (such as light
curing adhesives, photo-sensitive materials, etc.)