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Basic Rider Optimization Training for the Segway
Instructor Guide and Participant Workbook
Rev 3.5i - January 2004
© Segway LLC 2002
P/N 1707100001aa
Challenging Situations
The Guide may encounter the following challenging situations. How will you avoid these challenges?
Stepping On or Off Unexpectedly
Pitch Oscillation
Improper Foot Placement
Turns Immediately
Going for the Curb
Stepping On or Off Unexpectedly
This situation happens when the Guide is not ready for the rider to step up onto or down off of the
Platform. The danger is oscillation, moving backward or forward unintentionally, and loss of
How to avoid it:
Always have complete control of the Segway HT and provide clear concise instruction on when a
rider is allowed to step on or off the Platform.
Block the Platform either with your hand or your body while giving instruction. Then open up the
Platform indicating that the rider can step on and that the Instructor is ready. Conversely, hold the
Segway HT as soon as you anticipate that the rider will dismount. Remain hyper-aware that the
rider may dismount unpredictably.
Pitch Oscillation
Pitch Oscillation occurs when the rider first steps up onto the Platform. The Segway HT moves
forward and backward in a rapid movement. The danger is loss of balance or traction, resulting in
injury or loss of confidence.
How to avoid it:
Always hold the Control Shaft or Handlebar firmly as a rider steps on the Segway HT. Brace your
feet in a way that you can stabilize the Segway HT.
It is VERY important that the rider has a solid hold on the Handlebar (not a white-knuckled clutch,
but enough to maintain balance) when s/he steps on. In a violent pitch oscillation, holding the
Grips keeps the rider safely on the Segway HT while the Guide stabilizes the Segway HT.
If you have a rider who oscillates, you can request that he step down off the Segway HT
completely, and then step on again. Some Guides have found that the second time on the Segway
HT, the rider does not oscillate.
Improper Foot Placement
Improper foot placement may result in a new rider having difficulty staying still. Sometimes, the
Segway HT rolls backward or forward and the rider can’t understand why the Segway HT is moving.
The danger is hitting an obstacle or person, and fear of not being able to remain stationary.
How to avoid it:
Always check the rider’s foot placement once she steps up onto the Segway HT. Both feet should
be in the center of the Platform or placed in such a way that the rider can comfortably remain
The Guide should be firmly holding the Handlebar, with feet braced in case a forceful rider steps
on in the wrong place.