Basic Rider Optimization Training for the Segway
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Instructor Guide and Participant Workbook
Rev 3.5i - January 2004
© Segway LLC 2002
P/N 1707100001aa
Copyright © Segway LLC 2002. All rights reserved.
This Workbook (including all information contained in this Workbook) is copyrighted and protected by worldwide copyright laws and
treaty provisions. This Workbook may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information that should be observed.
Segway LLC Trademarks.
Segway LLC owns a number of trademarks used in this Workbook, including Segway™ and the Segway Flyer symbol. Failure of a
mark to appear in this Workbook does not mean that Segway LLC does not use the mark, nor does it mean that the product is not
actively marketed or is not significant within its relevant market.
Disclaimer, Updates, Warnings, Safety.
The only warranties applicable to Segway LLC products are the limited warranties stated on the “Segway™ Human Transporter Limited
Warranty” delivered with the products. Segway LLC makes no other express or implied warranty. Segway LLC does not warrant
services. Segway LLC does not warrant this Workbook. This Workbook and the information stated herein is provided “as is” without any
representation or warranty, express or implied, of any kind; including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, noinfringement,
or fitness for any particular purpose. Some jurisdictions do not allow for the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusions
may not apply to you.
This Workbook may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. Segway LLC assumes no liability for injury or damages suffered
directly or indirectly as a result of any errors in this Workbook. Segway LLC may update this Workbook. Segway LLC will post notices of
Workbook updates at
Before using this Workbook, the user must check for such updates.
If a user is in doubt as to how to use a Segway LLC product, the user should contact Segway LLC Technical Support at
with any questions.
As with any transportation device, using a Segway Human Transporter (HT) exposes the user to risk of injury. Improperly using a
Segway HT substantially increases the risk and also risks causing damage to the Segway HT. Users must comply with all warnings and
instructions contained in this Workbook, and any other user materials provided by Segway LLC, and that may be issued by Segway
LLC as updates. You can reduce that risk by following all the instructions and warnings in this Workbook, and by completing the
training, but you cannot eliminate the risk. Remembering that this risk of injury always exists should cause you to be a more careful,
safer rider.
The Segway HT's unique balancing ability and ease of use can lead you to become overconfident. If you exceed the ability of the
Segway HT to balance, such as by riding over obstacles, uneven terrain, slippery surfaces, loose materials, or steep slopes, you can
very quickly lose control, leading to collisions, falls, and injury. The Segway HT’s balancing ability depends upon traction for its tires. If
the tires lose traction, then the Segway HT will not be able to move as necessary to maintain balance. You must be very careful to
make sure that both of the tires of the Segway HT always have adequate traction.
If your instructor is not a Segway LLC employee, then the following paragraph applies:
Segway LLC provides this Workbook for use by employees of its commercial customers. The instructor who is delivering this Workbook
to you and instructing this course is not an employee or agent of Segway LLC. Segway LLC has no control over the manner or methods
used by that instructor to instruct you in the use of the Segway HT. Segway LLC is not liable for the acts or omissions of the instructor.
If you prefer to receive instruction from a Segway LLC employee or if you have any question about the safe use of the Segway HT,
contact Segway Customer Support at 1-866-4SEGWAY (1-866-473-4929).
Just as with any other transportation device, you must be mentally alert and free from physical impairment to safely ride a Segway HT.
You must be able to continually monitor your surroundings and the terrain in front of you. You must be able to maintain your lateral
(side-to-side) balance. You must be able to safely step on and step off. You must be able to comply with all the instructions and
warnings in this Workbook. Do not attempt to ride the Segway HT if you are ill or if, for any other reason, you cannot continually monitor
your surroundings and the terrain, maintain your lateral (side-to-side) balance, step on and step off, and comply fully with the
instructions and warnings in this Workbook. If you have any doubt about your ability to ride the Segway HT safely, do not attempt to ride
until you have discussed your doubts with the instructor and you and the instructor are satisfied that you can ride safely. Also, never
forget that unexpected events can happen. A person, vehicle, pet or other animal, obstacle, or unexpected terrain could appear in front
of you. You must always ride under control and be prepared to slow and stop.
If any user discovers any error in this document, the user should notify Segway Customer Support at 1-866-473-4929.
Segway LLC is a Delaware Limited Liability Company. • Printed in the U.S.A
Segway Human Transporter (HT)
Basic Rider Optimization Training
Instructor Guide and
Participant Workbook
P/N 1707100001