Basic Rider Optimization Training for the Segway
Page 39 of 106
Instructor Guide and Participant Workbook
Rev 3.5i - January 2004
© Segway LLC 2002
P/N 1707100001aa
them to step
to step off the Segway HT – while holding the Segway HT with
their right hands. Tell them that it does not matter which foot they step off with first –
whichever is more comfortable.
Now ask them to hold onto the Handlebar with both hands, but loosely.
: Remind riders to look at the Display and note the icons that they are reading. If the
Display shows that the Segway HT is still balancing, it is okay to get back on again.
Using the proper technique for an e Series or an i Series,
riders to step on with one
foot – keeping an even balance of weight between the foot that is on the Platform and the
foot that is on the ground. Tell them “Do not commit all of your weight onto the Segway
HT.” When they feel ready, ask them to step up with their other foot onto the Segway HT.
If participants are oscillating,
them that perhaps they might want to check their
posture, look ahead, or they might want to move their feet around so that they can stand
Repeat stepping on/stepping off 5 to 10 times.
Ride forward to end zone.
Stop within end zone (4 feet).
Participants should be in line formation.
Turn on Segway HTs and properly step on.
them to move slowly toward you and to stop when they get to you (you should be
standing about 10 feet from their starting point). It helps to have a line across the floor or a
few cones for this exercise so that riders can try to learn to stop in a specific place.
riders to concentrate on feeling how they need to shift their weight to stop.
If some riders have trouble stopping, work with them individually and try to use different
ways of explaining – such as: shifting weight to evenly across the feet, almost sitting down
and then standing up again to stop, or even just straightening out their posture.
Now that riders know how to stop slowly, have them get back in a line and ask them to
come forward and stop only when you ask them to do so.
Repeat 5 to 10 times.
Turn 180 degrees.
Ride to starting line.
10. Stop.
11. Turn 180 degrees.
12. Step off the Segway HT using the following procedures:
e Series -
Step down with one foot. Then step down with the other while continuing to hold at least one
grip or the Control Shaft gently. Don’t pull Segway HT toward you or push it away. Release Segway HT
gently into E-Stand by guiding it into or very near it’s desired orientation.
i and p Series -
Hold one or both grips. Step down with one foot, then the other. Continue to hold
Segway HT.
13. Tap the Mode Button to put the Segway HT into Power Assist Mode.
the riders to line up, step off the Segway HT and stand behind their Segway HT.
them to press the Mode Button once and to listen to the tone (if they are not in a
noisy place) and to notice the difference in the Segway HT’s behavior before the button
was pressed versus after (balancing and not balancing).