Basic Rider Optimization Training for the Segway
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Instructor Guide and Participant Workbook
Rev 3.5i - January 2004
© Segway LLC 2002
P/N 1707100001aa
Drill #2: Controlled Stop
Avoid having to stop too quickly by assessing
your speed and any obstruction that would
require you to stop. Anticipate pedestrians,
animals and cars, especially when passing a
side street, path, or row of shops. Be aware
that you can stop too quickly on the Segway HT
resulting in loss of traction and potentially falls,
injury and damage to the Segway HT.
1. Speed
Moving forward a short distance, and shift weight back until stopped. If the wheels squeak or
spin, you have exceeded the limits are beyond the limits and you need to reduce their
stopping speed. Avoid aggressive stopping.
2. Contiguous smooth acceleration and stops
Start slow and stop in end zone. Incrementally increase speed until rider has a gauge about
how fast he can stop safely at the given speed. Work on technique, not speed. Work on
building knowledge, not exceeding limits.
3. Practice control and commitment
If rider continues to roll forward after s/he intends to stop, then commitment was lacking.
Work on moving weight back until Segway HT actually reverses direction, then immediately
stand up.
If you hear squeaks, see spinning, tell the rider that s/he has exceeded limits and needs to
reduce either their riding speed or stopping speed (or both).
Drill #3: Slow-Stops and Turns
1. Move forward.
2. Stop.
3. Turn 180 degrees.
4. Repeat.
5. Stop before cone - do not hit it.
This drill gets riders used to twisting the Steering Grip gently and smoothly. Work on one motion
at a time – move forward, stop,
and then
turn. Focus on smooth turns and wrist motion.
Drill #4: Leaning Loop Turns
1. Move forward in a continuous motion
around cones while turning – do not hit it.
2. Practice leaning into turn.
3. Do not exceed “end zone” line.
4. Reverse
This drill transitions riders into using their body weight to laterally stabilize Segway HTs. Focus on
coaching riders to put weight on
leg/foot – lean onto the turn, bend inside knee and inside
arm, keep shoulders square. This drill combines motions, simultaneously moving forward