Am plified op er at ing in struc tions are pro vided in Bendix-King Pub -
li ca tions No. 006-08431-0002 (KY96A) and No. 006-8438-000
KY 196A COMM Trans ceiver [TSO’d]
Turn on the KT76A tran sponder by ro tat ing the func tion se lec tor
knob to standby (STBY) for ap prox i mately 45 sec onds, then to ON
or ALT. Ro tating the func tion se lec tor knob to test TST po si tion
will cause the re ply light to il lu mi nate if test is suc cess ful. The
tran sponder code is en tered by ro tat ing the code con trol knobs.
Dur ing some op er a tions, ATC may re quest the pi lot to IDENT
which will re quire a mo men tary de press ing of the IDENT push
but ton on the KT76A tran sponder. If air craft is equipped with an
al ti tude en coder, the tran sponder func tion selector knob must be
turned to the ALT position in order to provide altitude reporting to
Am plified op er at ing in struc tions are pro vided in Bendix-King Pub -
li ca tion No. 006-8244-08.
KT 76A Class 1A Tran sponder [TSO’d]
FAA Approved: 03 Oct 1995
Revised: 17 Apr 1996