A con tin u ous large de flec tion of the slav ing me ter or large dis crep -
an cies be tween the mag netic com pass and the KI 525A com pass
card may in di cate a fail ure in the slav ing sys tem and may not nec -
es sar ily be an nun ci ated by the HDG flag. If a slav ing fail ure
should oc cur, the SLAVE switch on the KA 51B should be re -
turned to its FREE po si tion. The sys tem will now be in the free
gyro mode. By press ing the clock wise or coun ter clock wise tog gle
switch on the KA 51B, the com pass card can be re po si tioned to the
cor rect head ing. The KCS 55A will con tinue to func tion nor mally,
ex cept the head ing in for ma tion will be solely de rived from the KG
102A Gyro. There will be no mag netic cor rec tion from the KMT
KA 51B Slaving Accessory And Controls
If the KI 525A NAV flag ap pears, the nav i ga tion equip ment is off,
im prop erly tuned, or mal func tion ing. If pos si ble, switch to an other
nav i ga tion re ceiver. The com pass card on the KI 525A will con -
tinue to dis play the air craft head ing.
If the KI 525A glideslope pointer re mains out of view dur ing ILS
op er a tion, the glideslope trans mit ter or the air craft glideslope re -
ceiver is mal func tion ing. If pos si ble switch to an other glideslope
re ceiver. The lo cal izer and head ing dis plays will con tinue to func -
tion nor mally.
FAA Approved: 03 Oct 1995
Revised: 17 Apr 1996