The ef fec tive range of the KN 62A DME de pends on many fac tors;
most im por tant be ing the al ti tude of the air craft. When the air craft
is on the ground, the KN 62A usu ally will not re ceive DME sta -
tions due to line-of sight sig nal lim i ta tions. Other con trib ut ing fac -
tors to the DME’s ef fec tive range are the lo ca tion and al ti tude of
the ground trans mit ter, trans mit ter power out put, and the de gree of
main te nance of the ground fa cil ity. The dis tance mea sured by the
KN 62A is slant-range dis tance (mea sured on a slant from air craft
to ground sta tion) and should not be con fused with ac tual ground
dis tance. The dif fer ence be tween ground dis tance and slant-range
dis tance is small est at low al ti tude and long range. These dis tances
may dif fer con sid er ably when in close prox im ity to a VOR/DME
fa cil ity. How ever, if the range is three times the al ti tude or greater,
this er ror is neg li gi ble. In or der to ob tain ac cu rate ground speed
and time-to-sta tion, the air craft must be track ing di rectly to or
from the sta tion.
KN 62A DME Distance/Frequency, FREQ mode.
KN 62A DME Distance/Groundspeed/TTS. GS/T mode.
FAA Approved: 03 Oct 1995
Revised: 17 Apr 1996