Press the
ar row “di rect to” key and use the right side knob (and
ring) to spell out a cho sen way point (re mem ber that ICAO says to
USA all let ter
air port iden ti fi ers with “K”); then, press
twice, to nav i gate di rectly there. Or, press
(near est) key and
twist ring, to se lect waypoint type, and press
; then
pull ou
knob to scan waypoints.
ar row and
will take you to the
dis played waypoint.
The KLN 89B dis play has many dif fer ent pages. Twisting the con -
cen tric
that is around the right hand knob is used to move the
bot tom of dis play in di ca tor bar across the 11 types of dis play
pages. The in ner
is then used to se lect which page of that
type to dis play. NAV page 4 is a mov ing map. Use the CRSR but -
ton and knob to change the mov ing map miles range scale. Pulling
out the scan knob causes the des ti na tion waypoint iden ti fier to
flash, in lower right cor ner of the map.
The left hand one third of the dis play usu ally shows four lines of
data. The top line is dis tance to des ti na tion waypoint. The sec ond
line down may be waypoint name or ground speed, de pend ing
upon which dis play page is se lected. The third line down usu ally
says “LEG” or a three digit num ber of de grees. The turn “ON” de -
fault choice is “LEG,” mean ing the GPS will nav i gate to the des ti -
na tion waypoint di rectly from the lo ca tion where the pi lot pressed
the en ter but ton. The other op tion is to press the “
” but ton and
use a re mote HSI course ar row or a re mote OBS omni bear ing se -
lec tor to
pi lot se lect
the cho sen mag netic course into the waypoint.
The OBS but ton se lects be tween these two modes. The OBS but ton
and a re mote HSI se lec tor switch can be used to make the GPS
func tion the same as a VOR, on the HSI.
A 3/32" Al len wrench may be used for pi lot re moval of the KLN
89B re ceiver, for user waypoint pro gram ming or op er a tor fa mil iar -
iza tion. One prac ti cal home use power sup ply is called the Com -
mander 2000, and is avail able from Lone Star Avi a tion Corp., of
Arlington Texas, phone 817-548 7768, or fax 817-261-8692. See
Sec tion VI for weight and bal ance in for ma tion.
FAA Approved: 03 Oct 1995
Revised: 02 Mar 2001