Elapsed Timer
This timer has two modes: Count Up and Count Down. When
power is ap plied it is in the Count Up mode start ing at 0. As is
true with the flight timer, the elapsed timer will count to 59 hours,
59 min utes, 59 sec onds, dis play ing min utes and sec onds un til one
hour has elapsed, then dis play ing hours and min utes. When in the
Count Up mode the timer may be re set to 0 by press ing the re set
but ton. (Note: Pressing the re set but ton will re set the elapsed
timer re gard less of what is cur rently be ing dis played.)
To en ter the Count Down mode, the Re set (RST) but ton is held de -
pressed for ap prox i mately 2 sec onds un til the ET mes sage be gins
to flash (this may be done re gard less of cur rent dis play). While
the ET mes sage is flash ing the timer is in the ET Set mode. In this
mode a num ber up to 59 min utes, 59 sec onds may be pre set into
the elapsed timer with the con cen tric knobs. With the small knob
pressed in the 10’s of sec onds digit may be changed; it will roll
over from 5 to 0 and un der 0 to 5. With the knob pulled out the 1’s
of sec onds digit may be changed. It rolls over from 9 to 0 and un -
der from 0 to 9. The larger knob mod i fies the min utes. It rolls
over from 59 to 0 and un der from 0 to 59. The timer will re main in
the ET Set mode (ET mes sage flash ing) for 15 sec onds af ter a
num ber is set in or un til the RST, FLT/ET, or FRQ but ton is
pressed. The num ber pre set will re main un changed un til the RST
but ton is pressed. When the RST but ton is pressed af ter a num ber
is pre set, the elapsed timer will start count ing down. (Note: The
timer will start when RST is pressed re gard less of the cur rent dis -
play). When the timer reaches 0 it changes to the Count Up mode
and con tin ues up from 0. Also the right hand dis play will flash for
15 sec onds and the timer alarm line will be pulled low for 1 sec -
ond. While the elapsed timer is count ing down, press ing the RST
but ton will have no ef fect un less it is held for ap prox i mately 2 sec -
onds. This will cause the timer to stop and en ter the Set mode (ET
mes sage flash ing).
FAA Approved: 03 Oct 1995
Revised: 17 Apr 1996