Weight and Bal ance
At the time of de liv ery, Schweizer Air craft Cor po ra tion pro vides
each ro tor craft with an orig i nal weight and bal ance re port and the
equip ment list, (equip ment both re quired and op tional) in stalled on
the he li cop ter at the time of li cens ing. The re moval or ad di tion of
any equip ment can af fect the ba sic empty weight and cen ter of
grav ity. Any change to the per ma nently in stalled equip ment or
mod i fi ca tion which af fects weight or mo ment must be en tered in
the weight and bal ance re cord.
GNC 250, GNC 250XL, GPS150, GPS150XL, KLN 89B AND
GNS 430
The re mov able panel unit for GNC250 weighs 2.4 lbs. and is lo -
cated at lon gi tu di nal arm 57.5" in the stan dard in stru ment panel.
The re mov able panel unit for GNC250XL weighs 2.6 lbs. and is lo -
cated at lon gi tu di nal arm 57.8" in the stan dard in stru ment panel.
The re mov able panel unit for GPS150 re ceiver weighs 2.1 pounds
at 55.5" aft (for a main in stru ment panel, or 59.7" for a lower in -
stru ment panel).
The re mov able panel unit for GPS 150XL re ceiver weighs 1.7
pounds at 56" aft (for a main in stru ment panel, or 60.2" for a lower
in stru ment panel).
This re mov able panel unit for GPS KLN 89B re ceiver weighs 2.55
pounds at 55.2", in the main in stru ment panel or 56.3”, in the
lower in stru ment panel ex ten sion.
The re mov able panel unit for GNS 430 re ceiver weighs 5.1 lbs. at
53.1" aft (for a main in stru ment panel, or 59.1" for a lower in stru -
ment panel).
Air craft Han dling, Ser vicing and Main te nance
Not Af fected
Ad di tional Op er a tions and Per for mance Data
Not Af fected
FAA Approved: 03 Oct 1995
Revised: 20 Feb 2001