V02 | 07.2013
5) Screen for tabs active
Beverage selection via the field of a bevera-
ge group.
With the parameter activated:
Switch on the "5 Screen for tabs active"
The fields (A) of the beverage groups
are shown.
Beverages from this beverage level
are available for selection if activated.
Activate all parameters (B) for the de-
sired beverages.
Save the setting.
Which activated beverages (C) ap-
pear depends on the selected bever-
age group field.
The beverages in the
"Tabs" beverage groups
are preset in the "Product
configuration" parameter.
Only preset beverages ap-
pear in this parameter.
To display a field of a be-
verage group, a beverage
from a beverage group
must be activated.
The parameter is deactivated:
Activate all parameters (B) for the de-
sired beverages.
Save the settings.
The beverage fields (C) of the activat-
ed beverages are available for direct
6) Regular / DECAF buttons in tab Activates an additional selection option, [Re-
gular] or [DECAF], for beverage selection.
The "5 Screen for tabs ac-
tive" parameter must be
switched on.
Parameters: Self mode settings
Display text
Setting range