The CKP connection is mandatory, the CMPi only is required
when the car have 2 or 3 sensors, and CMPe only is required
when the car have 3 sensors.
When the engine is
running the HMP read
the pulses and make a
map. As the reader must
know the CMP signal
repeat each 720 degrees
(2 turns of CKP). Also
note that the CMP are in
phase with CKP and on
this way the ECU know
exactly in witch position is the engine.
The point Ai is the amount of teeth of CKP counted
from missing teeth until first change on intake camshaft. Bi is
the amount of teeth for the second change on intake camshaft.
Ae and Be are the first and second change for exhaust.
A Camshaft can have several points (A, B, C, etc) and
the HMP can store internally up to 20 points in each camshaft
( always even)
The set of point is called MAP, and if you want use the
reading to generate pulses in the future is required look al
points on the map. To observe the timing belt set-up the point A
is probably sufficient.
Other example can be on the following image. There
Another example can be seen in the following image.
There it is better appreciated how the teeth are counted up to
point A