User Guide, Version 2.3
7.1.1 Features of Message Routing
Message Routing
feature of the SATELLINE-3AS and Epic is designed to be a fast and
transparent to fit real time systems. The features include:
Transparent to user protocols,.
Easy construction of a network containing several repeaters.
Any radio modem may operate as a repeater, i.e. dedicated repeaters are not usually
needed thus cutting down on costs.
Large areas of coverage may be implemented by using only one radio channel.
The use of mobile substations is also possible to some extent.
The system will be fully deterministic i.e. the transmission delays are predictable. Because of
that, the principle of
Message Routing
is connectionless.
Added redundancy, as a failing radio modem can be, in certain cases, bypassed with
another radio modem positioned in the same coverage area.
Message Routing
is intended mainly for the protocols based on polling scheme and a single
master station.
7.1.2 Limitations of Message Routing
It is assumed that the position of the address field in the user messages is fixed (some special
protocols can be supported though).
It is assumed that there is only one message at a time inside the network, simultaneous
messages could cause collisions.
The max number of the routes depends on the actual hardware and the software version.
7.1.3 Getting started with Message Routing
The design of any radio modem system requires very precise planning. Once the choices
between devices, their location, installation, maintenance etc. are clear, the
Message Routing
for the system can be implemented.
Planning your Message Routing System
1. Decide which mode of the
Message Routing
suits the system -
Source Mode
Virtual Mode
See the following paragraphs for details.
2. Design a layout of the system describing the settings such as protocol, addresses of the
terminal equipment, radio frequencies and so on.
3. Configure the radio modems accordingly. There are two ways to configure the parameters
related to the
Message Routing
SaTerm 3
Manual configuration in the setup menu.
In either case, please check the chapter on
before changing the setup of the radio
Finally, when all the radio modems have correct settings, they are ready for further installation.