User Guide, Version 2.3
SATELLINE-3AS radio modem has a top data transfer speed of 19.2 kbps, selectable
channel spacing, either 25 kHz or 12.5 kHz (defined at the time of ordering).
SATELLINE-3AS radio modem is compatible with standard RS-232 or RS-422 and RS-485
serial interfaces.
SATELLINE-3AS has a unique routing function, which simplifies the construction of networks.
SATELLINE-3AS radio modem software is easily updated directly through the serial interface
of a PC.
SATELLINE-3AS radio modem software contains an optional error correction routine (FEC)
which can improve the reliability of the radio interface .
SATELLINE-3ASd radio modem has a built-in LCD-display, for re-configuration of the
modem without the need for an external terminal device (typically a PC).
SATELLINE-3AS(d) Epic models offer two additional features, which enable considerably
longer distances between radio modems to be achieved:
10W transmit power
a diversity receiver