User Guide, Version 2.3
4.2.1 Changing the settings
Connect cables (RS-232 cable to PC COM-port, power supply cable to power supply).
Switch on the PC and start
SaTerm 3
program (or other terminal program).
Open a terminal window and then choose ”Pr” (in case you are using some other terminal
program, set the serial port parameters of the program as follows: 9600 bits/s, 8 data bits,
no parity, 1 stop bit, which is always the default in
Programming Mode
Connect PROG-pin to ground (if using the ARS-1F adapter, slide the switch downwards), the
radio modem shifts now into the
Programming Mode
. The screen should look similar to the
one shown in the picture below.
Make desired changes to the settings.
Save changes by pressing ”E” in the main menu. If you don’t want to save changes, press
Disconnect PROG-pin from ground (if using the ARS-1F adapter, slide the switch upwards),
the radio modem should now return to the
Data Transfer Mode
***** SATEL 3AS *****
SW Version x.yz
Current settings
1) Radio frequency 468.2000 MHz ( CF 468.2000 MHz, spacing 25 kHz )
2) Radio settings Tx power level 500 mW / Signal threshold level -110 dBm
TX start delay 0 ms
3) Addressing RX address OFF / TX address OFF
4) Serial port 1 ON / 19200 bit/s / 8 bit data / None parity / 1 stop bit
5) Serial port 2 OFF / 19200 bit/s / 8 bit data / None parity / 1 stop bit (RS-485)
6) Handshaking CTS Clear to send / CD RSSI-threshold / RTS Ignored
7) Additional setup Error correction OFF / Error check OFF / Repeater OFF /
SL-commands OFF / Priority TX
8) Routing Source routing
9) Tests OFF
A) Restore factory settings
E) EXIT and save settings
Q) QUIT without saving
Enter selection >