20 GPRS-T6
– OFF – violation of the input or exceeding the voltage value at threshold L or H will
deactivate the output.
Input bypass
– enter in this field the SMS message content that will be sent to the module
telephone number in order to block the input(s) indicated as blocked in the "Inputs"
table, "Inputs" tab.
– enter in this field the SMS message content that will be sent to the module
telephone number in order to unblock the input(s) indicated as blocked in the "Inputs"
table, "Inputs" tab.
The body of SMS messages for starting the functions of block/unblock the inputs,
may contain up to 24 characters.
4.3.5 “CLIP / SMS messaging” tab
Notification can be effected by means of SMS messages or by using the CLIP service (the
module does not inform about input restore / end of trouble using the CLIP).
Fig. 11. “CLIP / SMS messaging” tab.
CLIP T1 – T4
– select the fields of telephones (see: numbers in the list "Telephone numbers
for messaging and test transmissions", programmed in the "GSM telephone, Monitoring
stations" tab), which will be informed about a change of input status or occurrence of
the particular trouble by using the CLIP service.
SMS T1 – T4
– select the fields of telephones (see: numbers in the list "Telephone numbers
for messaging and test transmissions", preprogrammed in the "GSM telephone, Monitoring