Remote programming is possible when the "Remote programming" option is enabled in
the module and the following items have been programmed:
– PIN code (if the card requires entering the PIN code);
– Access Point Name (APN) for Internet GPRS connection;
– user name for Internet GPRS connection;
– password for Internet GPRS connection;
– DNS server IP address which is to be used by the module (the DNS server address
requires no programming, if the computer address is entered as IP address);
– initialization code for computer connection.
APN, user name, password and DNS server address can be obtained from the GSM
network operator.
The computer on which the GPRS-S
program will be running must have its IP address
visible in the Internet (so-called public IP address). Otherwise, the network server port must
be redirected to that computer, so as to make connection with the computer possible.
In order to establish communication between the module and the computer, do the following:
1. Start the GPRS-S
2. Click on the "Configuration" button (see: Fig. 6 and explanations for the figure) and, in
the window that will open, enter the number of TCP port selected for communication with
the module. The number will have to be included in the body of SMS message which will
be sent to the module GSM telephone number to initialize communication.
3. Click on the button (see Fig. 6). In the menu that will open, select "TCP/IP" to activate
the server.
4. Send SMS message to the module GSM telephone number. The SMS message should
have the following form:
("xxxx" is the module defined code to initialize
communication with GPRS-S
program –
SMS"; "aaaa" is the address of
the computer with which the module is to establish communication, shown numerically or
as a name; "p" stands for the number of network port through which communication with
the GPRS-S
program is to be effected). The module will connect to the computer
whose address was given in the SMS message.
4.3 Description of the program
4.3.1 Main menu
Fig. 6. Main menu of GPRS-S