INTEGRA Installer
CA-64 SM Voice Synthesizer Expander.
Capable of storing 16 voice messages, each with
15 second duration. The messages are used for alarm notification via telephone.
VMG-16 Voice Message Generator.
Plays back prerecorded messages when specified
events occur in the system.
ACU-100 Controller of ABAX Wireless System.
Enables expansion of the system by
adding wireless devices.
INT-RX. 433 MHz remote key fob operation expander.
Makes it possible to assign
a system of remote key fobs to the users so that by using them the users can control
the system.
4. System installation
All electric connections may only be made with power supply disconnected.
The following tools will be useful during installation:
blade screwdriver 2.5 mm,
Phillips screwdriver,
precision pliers,
flat nose pliers,
drill with a set of drill bits.
4.1 Installation plan
Installation must be preceded by preparation of a plan of the security alarm system. It is
advisable that you draw up a sketch of the premises, showing all the devices to be included
in the system, i.e. the control panel, keypads, detectors, sirens, expansion modules, etc.
The control panel and other security system components should be installed within the
boundaries of the protected area.
4.2 Estimation of system current consumption
At the stage of planning the security system, you should sum up the currents consumed by
all devices included in the system (control panel mainboard, keypads, additional modules,
detectors, sirens, etc.). The calculation should also take into account the battery charging
current. If the sum of currents exceeds the control panel capacity, expanders with power
supply or an extra power supply unit must be used in the system.
The sum of currents consumed by the devices connected to the power supply unit (expander
with power supply) must not exceed the power supply output current.
When planning connection of devices to particular power outputs (control panel, expander
with power supply, etc.), remember that the sum of currents consumed by these devices
must not exceed the maximum current-carrying capacity of those outputs.
4.3 Cabling
It is recommended that straight unscreened cable be used for making electric connections
between devices included in the system (using the twisted pair type of cable, e.g. UTP, STP,
FTP is not advisable).
Cross-section of the power supply wires should be selected so that the supply voltage drop
between the power supply and the supplied device should not exceed 1 V as against the
output voltage.