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Outdoor Unit Repair Procedures
10. Compressor
(14) Re-install all components that were removed. Re-install the electrical component box in the same position as
it was before.
• Be sure to securely re-install the thermal insulation and clamps for the capillary
tube assembly in their original conditions, as shown in Fig 30.
• Be sure to check for looseness of the power terminal connection at the compres-
sor terminal plate, and to check by pulling vertically on the connections. If the
terminals become disconnected easily, replace the wiring Assy.
(15) Follow the instructions in “ 7. Evacuating System ” and apply vacuum to the outdoor unit where the compres-
sor was replaced.
(D) Replacing multiple compressors
Follow the instructions in “(A) Replacing the inverter compressor,” “(B) Replacing constant-speed compressor 1,”
and “(C) Replacing constant-speed compressor 2,” and remove the compressors.
* There is no predetermined sequence for removal; any compressor may be removed first.
Follow the instructions in “(A) Replacing the inverter compressor,” “(B) Replacing constant-speed compressor 1,”
and “(C) Replacing constant-speed compressor 2,” and install the compressors.
* There is no predetermined sequence for installation; any compressor may be installed first.
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