50 S&C Instruction Sheet 1074-530
SpeedNet Client Tool
• Datagrams successfully reassembled
—This is the total number of fragmented IP
data packets received and reassembled.
• Fragment reassembly failures
—This is the total number of fragmented IP data
packets received that could not be reassembled.
• Datagrams successfully fragmented
—This is the total number of IP data packet
fragments generated.
• Datagrams failing to fragment
—This is the total number of data packets discarded
because the fragmentation process failed to fragment the packets.
• Fragments created
—This is the total number of IP data packet fragments created.
Statistics Window,
Wireless Tab
Figure 72. Wireless statistics window.
The Wireless Tab, shown in Figure 72, provides the provides the following statistical
information regarding the wireless performance of the SpeedNet ME Radio.
Bytes received
—This is the total number of bytes successfully received by the Speed-
Net ME Radio wireless interface.
Packets received
—This is the total number of packets successfully received by the
SpeedNet ME Radio wireless interface.
Received packets dropped
—This is the total number of packets received by the Speed-
Net ME Radio wireless interface that failed the validation check for problems, such as a
corrupted CRC.
Packets received with bad length
—This is the total number of packets received by the
SpeedNet ME Radio wireless interface that contained checksum errors involving length.
Packets received with bad CRC
—This is the total number of packets received by
the SpeedNet ME Radio wireless interface that contained checksum errors.
Bytes transmitted
—This is the total number of bytes transmitted over the SpeedNet
ME Radio wireless interface.
Packets transmitted
—This is the total number of packets transmitted over the Speed-
Net ME Radio wireless interface.
Packets repeated
— This is the number of repeated packet transmissions. If a transmis-
sion fails to receive a confirmation of successful reception the packet is retransmitted.