S&C Instruction Sheet 1074-530
SpeedNet Client Tool
Figure 55. Distributed Network Protocol settings.
DNP Serial Mode
The following options are available when DNP is the selected serial port mode, as shown
in Figure 55:
—Determines which transport control protocol, TCP or UDP, will be used
for DNP communication. UDP is the default setting.
Enable DNP Dynamic Port
—Enabling the DNP Dynamic Port feature causes the
SpeedNet ME Radio to monitor SCADA traffic to determine the source port for each
data stream. Port information is stored internally, allowing the SpeedNet ME Radio
to know which port to send received packets to on the SCADA master. While many
SCADA masters use port 20,000 for SCADA communications, some of them use a dif-
ferent port for each device.
IP Address
—When creating a DNP table entry, this value is the IP address.
SCADA Address
—When creating a DNP table entry, this value is the SCADA
address. The valid range of SCADA addresses is 0-65536.
—After entering an IP address and the corresponding SCADA address, click
button to add the entry to the DNP table.
—To delete an entry from the DNP table, select the entry in the table and then
click the
Output Delay
—This value defines the amount of time (in milliseconds) between
transmitting DNP packets to the SpeedNet ME Radio’s serial interface after they are
received over the wireless interface. This feature has been added to accommodate leg-
acy equipment that cannot receive back-to-back data packets as quickly as a Speed-
Net ME Radio can deliver them. The default value is 80 milliseconds.
Input Timeout
—This value defines the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the se-
rial interface will wait before sending a packet after data is received. The default value
is 60 milliseconds.