SHELL [any valid DOS command]
Shells out to DOS command screen, executes any valid DOS command. Returns
to the Port Activity screen upon completion of command. If no command is given, remains at DOS command
prompt until user types "Exit" to return to Activity screen.
Displays system information including: mode and "status number" for all ports, total number of blocks in
system, available RAM, current (or highest) message index value, minutes of remaining message space available,
current message partition in use, and status of RMATS terminal (active/idle).
Stops and reinitializes specified port. Will disconnect any call in progress on that port.
Immediately places port back in service when initialization is complete. Must be executed on individual ports only.
Loads the 'Zip' drivers into memory so that a back up or restore can be performed.
Port Activity Facility HELP
There are two pages of help screens immediately available to the System Administrator.
To access the help screens, press F1 to bring up the first page of help and page up or down to move between the
two pages. The help screens provide information on commands to control and monitor the SVMi-8's ports. To exe-
cute a command, type the command and arguments at the command line prompt => and then press ENTER. To exit
the facility and return to the System Main Menu, press F9.
You may be asked to access this screen by Samsung Technical Support.
System Main Menu