SVMi-8 Directory Structure
The TABLE Files (*.TBL)
All customer configuration is located in the \Dta\ *.tbl files.
All block parameter data.
The schedule table is not a block, so its data is stored separately in this file.
SiteInfo.TBL Useful customer data entered in "Site Information" off the Main Menu.
Automatically gets updated every time a new message is recorded, saved, forwarded,
or deleted.
All prompt directories are located in the \Prompts directory. There will be a separate prompt directory for each lan-
guage installed.
Prompts are stored in uniquely named language subdirectory located in the PMT directory. The reference to speak
the prompt in a particular block is stored in the "Block.TBL" file, but the recorded prompt itself and its associated text
are stored in the PMT \ xxx directory. The file format is '{4 digits}.PMT'.
Prompts below 1000 are system prompts and should only be edited using great care.
All Message date is located in the \Msg\ *.* files.
All Mailbox date is located in the \Mailbox\ *.* files.
Defaulting the Configuration
To default the configuration quit the application as described in System Shutdown. When you get to the
c:\> prompt,
type 'default'.
This will restore default block tables and delete any existing mailboxes and messages.
NOTE: Any custom prompts or re-recorded prompts will not be removed!! The System Administrator password will
not be changed