Public Caller Interface
Wait For Caller Entry
This is the number of seconds, from 1 to 99, that the SVMi-8 waits for an entry during the
message editing and message retrieval operation. The time begins at the end of the spoken prompt that requests an
entry from the caller. Upon entry of the first digit, the time is reset so that the caller has the full Wait for Caller Entry
time to enter another digit.
Retries If INVALID Entry
This specifies the number of times, from 0 to 99, a caller may re-enter his password if an
invalid password was entered. This also applies if a caller makes an invalid entry while recording/editing a message.
Repeat Prompts No Entry
The number of times, from 1 to 99, to repeat prompts while the caller is recording/edit-
ing a message. If the caller does not respond to the prompts after this number of attempts, the SVMi-8 will go to the
next Block specified by <Pub-Msg>.
Record Silence Time Out
This is the amount of time in seconds that SVMi-8 will listen to caller silence before
assuming the caller has stopped talking.
Digit for Operator Assistance
The Operator digit, when defined, allows the caller, while listening to the subscribers
personal greeting or recording a message, to press a specific digit to transfer to the operator defined by the 'OPERA-
TOR' pointer.
Digit to Skip Greeting
The digit to skip the greeting, when defined, allows the caller, while listening to the sub-
scribers personal greeting, to enter a specific DTMF digit to skip the greeting and enter record mode.
Digit to Escape
The ESCape digit controls the following functions when using a mailbox:
1) In the mailbox public mode, if entered while the mailbox greeting is being played or any time prior to the caller
beginning to speak, the message is cancelled and SVMi-8 exits the mailbox using the <PUB-ESC> pointer. If
entered after the caller begins, it will terminate the recording (just as with any other DTMF tone).
2) Used to exit from the opening menu of the mailbox or List box user mode. SVMi-8 will use the <USER-EXIT>
pointer to determine where to go next.
3) In the mailbox or List box user mode, the Escape digit is generally used as a "cancel" key to abort the current
operation and return to the previous one.
Note: Escape digit and Admin digit should not be set to the same digit.
Digit to Log in as user (Administration Digit)
The Admin digit controls the following functions:
1) In the mailbox or List public mode, if entered at any time prior to the beep signalling the beginning of recording
a message, SVMi-8 will switch immediately to the user mode, requesting a password to be entered for sub-
scriber access to the mailbox.
2) When sending a message, recorded in the mailbox user mode, prefacing the mailbox number with the Admin
digit will request delivery confirmation.
Note: Escape digit and Admin digit should not be set to the same digit.
Block Types and Descriptions