If the AC side charging current has been automatically reduced to 0A and the pass
through load current is still 1A more than the programmed value of the “GrID MAX
CUrrENT” / “GEN MAX CUrrENT” for 5 sec, the EVO
will shut down due to fAULT
MODE and display “Input over current!”
• Assume EVO-2212E is being fed with Grid input supply circuit breaker capacity of 16A. The
“GrID MAX CUrrENT” setting = the Default value of 16A. The “bulk Charging Current”
has been programmed at 100A (DC). When charging at 100A (DC), the corresponding AC
side current draw will be 9A (based on Conversion factor of 1A DC side charging current =
0.09A AC side charging current).
• Assume that the AC pass through load is 5A. Total AC input current will be 14A (5A AC
pass through load c 9A AC side charging current corresponding to 100A DC side
charging current) and will be below the set “GrID MAX CUrrENT” of 16A.
• If now, the AC pass through load current is increased to 10A, the total AC input current will
be 19A (10A pass through load c 9A AC side charging current corresponding to 100A
DC side charging current). As the “GrID MAX CUrrENT” is set at 16A, the AC input side
charging current will be reduced from 9A to 6A (6A AC side charging current corresponds to
66.6A DC side charging current) so that the total AC input current is limited to 16A.
• If now, the AC pass through load current is increased to 18A, the total AC input current
will be 24A (18A pass through load c 6A AC side charging current corresponding
to 66.6A DC side charging current) . The AC side charging current will be reduced from
5A (corresponding to 66.6A DC side charging current) to 0A (corresponding to 0A DC side
charging current). However, now the AC input current will be 18A. After 5 sec, the EVO
will shut down due to fAULT MODE and display “Input over current!” (AC input current will
be 1A more than the “GrID MAX” current setting of 16A for 5 sec).
5.2.2 Automatic reduction of Charging Current in higher Ambient temperatures
In order to protect against over temperature shut down when operating in higher ambient
temperatures of 50C to 60C, the charging current is automatically reduced as follows based on
temperature sensed at the Power Transformer and at the Heat Sink for the Power Mosfets:
Power transformer:
In case the temperature is >130C, the charging current is reduced by
4A (EVO-2212E) / 20A (EVO-3012E) / 1A (EVO-2224E) / 5A (EVO-4024E) every 10 sec
heat Sink:
In cast the temperature is >65C, the charging current is reduced by 4A
(EVO-2212E) / 20A (EVO-3012E) / 1A (EVO-2224E) / 5A (EVO-4024E) every 10 sec
5.3 ADAPtiVe ChArging ControL For CoMPLete ChArging AnD
PreVention oF oVer ChArging / boiLing oF bAtterieS
An automatic Adaptive Charging Algorithm is used to ensure that the battery is completely
charged in a safe manner for longer battery life. In this algorithm, the time the battery remains
in Absorption and Equalization Stages is proportional to the time the battery remains in the
bulk Charge Stage. A battery that is deeply discharged will remain in bulk Stage for a longer
duration and will require longer time in the Absorption and Equalization Stages for complete
charging. On the other hand, a battery that is almost completely charged will remain in the
bulk Stage for a shorter duration and consequently, will remain in Absorption and Equalization
stages for a shorter duration. This will prevent overcharging / boiling of the battery.
Battery Charging in Evolution
Содержание Evolution Series
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