Ruckus ICX 7850 Switch Hardware Installation Guide
Part Number: 53-1005580-01
Mounting the Device
Connecting Devices in a Stack
Support for Two-Unit Stack Linear Trunks
FastIron release 08.0.90 and later releases support a linear-topology trunk in a two-unit stack. A two-unit stack can form a linear topology
with a trunk containing all stacking ports, instead of dividing the ports into the two directions of a ring topology. The linear-topology trunk
provides the same redundancy as a two-unit ring because of trunk load balancing. Furthermore, a linear topology trunk doubles the
bandwidth of the stacking ports between two units.
In a two-unit ring topology, only one direction is used even though there are two paths for a unit to reach the other unit. In contrast, a
linear-topology trunk uses all ports to reach the other unit.
In a ring of more than two units, all directions of any unit are fully utilized because each direction is to a different unit. Therefore,
the linear-topology trunk is not supported in a stack of more than two units.
ICX 7850-48FS Two-Unit Stack with Linear-Topology Trunk (Eight Ports)
For more information about stacking, refer to the
Ruckus FastIron Stacking Configuration Guide