SmartAlarm Instruction Manual Rev 2
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The following settings are available under the “Tools” menu
Send Settings
Once the SmartAlarm has been connected to a suitable PC/Laptop via the
RTK supplied USB Cable the user is able to download any configuration
changes to the unit as required. RTK recommend that before downloading the
customer uploads the original settings and saves them on the PC/Laptop for
future reference or as a backup.
Receive Settings
Once the SmartAlarm has been connected to a suitable PC/Laptop via the
RTK supplied USB Cable the user is able to upload the configuration settings
from the unit as required. Before any changes are made RTK recommend that
a copy of the original settings are saved for future reference or as a backup.
Restore Default Settings
If required the user is able to return the unit to the factory default settings,
however please note this will revert ALL settings within the Annunciator so
should only performed with caution.