SmartAlarm Instruction Manual Rev 2
Page 74 of 115
The following options are available “Channel” tab
Alarm Legend
Each channel needs to have a unique legend to help the operator identify the
alarm. The user can type an alarm description into the
“alarm legend” field
and dropdown menus allow selection of window colour, font, style and size to
suit each application.
Manual Inhibit
Each channel can be manually inhibited within the software or a number of
channels can be assigned to an inhibit group to allow a remote switch input to
be used as a group inhibit enable. To manually inhibit a channel the user
selects the associated LED icon and then uses a left mouse click to select the
inhibit input tick-box under the channel tab.
Group Inhibit
If inhibit groups are required channels should be selected to the required
group and the group should be assigned to a remote pushbutton/switch input
as described later in the manual.
To implement changes the user must select the “Confirm” icon and download
the configuration to the SmartAlarm using the “Tools” menu – “Send Settings”
as required