Ultra Compact Size
Occupying less than one cubic foot of volume, the FRI02 is the ideal problem
solver for tight fitting applications such as under balcony fill, foreground
music, satellite W/HF and highly portable AV presentations.
Exceptionally Wide
The FRI02 maintains a horizontal coverage of 110 degrees above 16,000 Hz
Horizontal Coverage
so even the highest musical overtones can be heard by every listener. This
wide open sound contributes to the FRI02's natural "hi -fi" sound character.
High Output Capabilities
The combination of the FRI02's 98 dB SPL sensitivity and 250 watts of AES
standard power handling results in 121 dB SPL maximum output at one meter.
This enables the FRI 02 to offer the equivalent output of
to 8 typical hi -fi or
compact studio monitor loudspeaker systems.
Ultra Durability
The FR102, despite its size, is built to the same standards of contruction as
EAW's concert sound reproducers and, as such, provides a level of durability
and reliability virtually unmatched in the pro sound industry. All exterior
surfaces are constructed of imported multi-ply cross-grain-laminated birch
hardwood. Standard features include perforated steel grills, recessed hand
holds and catalyzed polyurethane coating finish.
Ultra Compact
Nearfield Full
Range System