Application CTSgo
16.6 Location Update Cannot be Performed
For a correct location update, the C0 carrier power received by the mobile must be sufficiently high.
Increase the base-station power (CTS) for the location update in the Configure Network dialog. A test
SIM card should be used in addition. Check also whether the mobile to be tested complies with the
network setting.
16.7 Synchronization Lost
The user-selected CTS output power may be too low and outside the sensitivity of your mobile.
Increase the CTS output power for the respective test step. The output power is entered in the
Configure Test Set dialog window. It is also possible that the user-defined attenuation values are not
16.8 Level Measurements Frequently out of Tolerance
The CTS considers the set attenuation in the level calculation. For this reason, the attenuation must be
accurately set.
16.9 Measurement Report Cannot be Loaded
The format of the selected measurement report is illegal. The file is either invalid or the report has
been saved with a previous version of CTSgo. In this case, the measurement report has to be
16.10 Drag & Drop not Working
Check that CTSgo is in the stop mode.
16.11 Program Cannot be Configured
Check that CTSgo is in the stop mode.
16.12 Generator Settings are not Immediately Performed
The CTSgo program requires a certain time period for settings in the module test. Observe the
indication in the CTSgo status bar. A change from the “red lamp“ to the “green lamp“ indicates that the
settings are completed.