Application CTSgo
7.6 Limits Menu in the GSM Autotest
With the items in the Limits menu, the upper and lower limits for the results are set. The settings made
here influence all subsequently generated measurement reports. Tolerances of already stored
measurement reports will not be influenced by these settings. Set limits are displayed in the second
and third column of the measurement report.
It is recommended to store the settings in the form of a configuration file.
7.6.1 Phase / Frequency / Timing
This dialog window permits to define tolerances for frequency error, RMS phase error, peak phase
error and timing error measurements. The frequency error is entered for GSM900, the values for
GSM1800 and GSM1900 are automatically two times the entered value. Entered values are set by
pressing OK. If newly entered limit values should not be set, terminate the dialog with Cancel.
Set limits are indicated in the second and third column of the measurement report. Refer to the report
section shown below.
Fig.: Limits menu in the GSM
Fig.: Limits Phase / Frequency / Timing Errors dialog window