Application CTSgo
Open the File menu and select Save Configuration. Enter a name, eg ENDTEST.CFG in the Save
Configuration dialog window and select the directory where the file should be stored.
Open the Measurement menu and click on Start.
12.3 DECT Test
In our third example, a DECT set consisting of a fixed part and a portable part is to be measured. The
RFPI of the set is not known. It is completely sufficient to check one channel in our measurement.
Neither RF connectors nor an antenna coupler is available. Therefore, we cut off an RF cable where an
N-type connector is connected at one end. There, we uncover about 4 centimeters of the inner
conductor and strengthen it by soldering. This cable end is attached to the fixed part or portable part at
the place where the antenna is positioned using adhesive tape. We do not open the casing, since we
only want to get a rough idea about whether this set works or not. A measurement of the normal
transmit power in manual CTS mode resulted in an attenuation of approx. 10 dB at the portable part
and approx. 12 dB at the fixed part.
Open the Configuration menu and call PP Base settings, enter an input and output attenuation of 10
dB each. 0 is entered for the carrier and slot of the dummy bearer. For the Q-packages we keep the
default values of “000003FF0000“ for Q0, „003041108008“ for Q3, „006F0F000000“ for Q6 and
„03060306“ for QMUX. Then terminate the dialog by pressing OK.
Open the Configuration menu and call FP Base Settings. Enter an input and output attenuation of
12 dB each. Check the boxes “Accept detected RFPI” and “Use detected RFPI in PP Test“. For the
PMID we keep the default value of “EBE8D“. Enter 0 as antenna. Close the dialog window by
pressing OK.
Open the Configuration menu and the Select Tests dialog window. Activate the boxes FP Test, FP
Test Set 1, PP Test and PP Test Set 1. All other boxes must be empty. Confirm your settings by
means of OK.
Open the Configuration menu and call FP Test Set 1. Enter the carrier 0, slot 2 and offset 0.0. Enter
an RF Level of –70.0 dBm in the RX Measurements field. Select the BER and FER measurement
using the boxes. Enter 100 for the number of frames. Enter an RF Level of –65.0 dBm in the TX
Measurements field. The number of bursts for power and modulation measurements must be 4, the
number of bursts in the timing measurement 32. Select all boxes of the TX Measurements field
except Echotest. Close the dialog with OK.
Open the Configuration menu and call PP Test Set 1. Enter carrier 0, slot 2 and offset 0.0. Enter an
RF level of –70.0 dBm in the RX Measurements field. Select BER and FER measurement using the
boxes. Enter 100 for the number of frames. Enter an RF level of –65.0 dBm in the TX
Measurements field. The number of bursts for power and modulation measurements should be 4,
the number of bursts in the timing measurement 32. Select all boxes of the TX Measurements field
except Echotest. Close the dialog window using OK.
Call the commands of the Limits menu one after the other and vary the tolerance limits of the
individual measurements if you are not satisfied with the default values.
Open the File menu and select Save Configuration. Enter a name, eg DECTTEST.CFG in the Save
Configuration dialog window and select the directory where the file is to be stored.
Open the Measurement menu and click on Start.