Connecting Calibration Gas • 23
To connect calibration gas to the SM-2009U do the following:
1. If the area around the calibration station is not considered a fresh
air area (an area free of combustible and toxic gases and of normal
oxygen content, 20.9%) install a tube not longer than 10 feet on the
filter attached to the AIR fitting on the back of the docking station
and route it to a fresh air area or connect a cylinder of zero air with
a demand flow regulator to the fitting.
2. Install the demand flow regulator on the calibration gas cylinder.
3. Connect the demand flow regulator to the CAL. GAS port using the
3 foot length of 3/16” ID sample tubing provided with the station.
3-gas mix with LEL/Oxy/CO
4-gas mix with LEL/Oxy/H2S/CO
Table 4: Recommended Gas Cylinders
Typical Instrument Types
Recommended Calibration Gas