Rittal Liquid Cooling Package
14 Preparation and maintenance of the cooling medium
Preparation and maintenance of
the cooling medium
Depending on the type of installation to be cooled, cer-
tain purity requirements are placed on the cooling water
in a recooling system. According to the level of contam-
ination and the size and design of the recooling systems,
a suitable process is used to prepare and/or maintain
the water. The most common types of contamination
and frequently used techniques to eliminate them in in-
dustrial cooling are:
Tab. 53: Cooling water contaminants and treatment procedures
Type of impurity
Mechanical contami-
Filter the water using:
Mesh filter, sand filter, cartridge fil-
ter, precoated filter, magnetic filter
Excessive hardness
Soften the water via ion exchange
Moderate content of
mechanical contami-
nants and hardeners
Add stabilisers and/or dispersing
agents to the water
Moderate levels of
chemical contami-
Add passifiers and/or inhibitors to
the water
Biological contami-
nants, slime bacteria
and algae
Treat the water with biocides
For the proper operation of a recooling sys-
tem that uses water on at least one side, the
composition of any additive used or system
water should not deviate substantially from
hydrological data presented in section 13.1
"Hydrological information".