Confirm Deletes on Filer menu
On the Options sub-menu of the Filer menu is the Confirm Deletes setting. With this set, all
copies, renames and other non-dangerous actions will be carried out without asking you for
confirmation, but file deletions will prompt you before taking place.
Spaces in filenames
If you want to insert a blank space into a filename, hold the Alt key when pressing the space
bar. This will actually be a "hard space".
As you use your computer and create new files you will, no doubt, wish to store them (on
your hard disc) for future reference. With RISC OS 4's flexibility in allowing an almost
unlimited number of items within each filer directory and permitting very long filenames it
would be easy for your hard disc to become cluttered and disorganised. It is recommended
that some structure be applied to the content of your hard disc to keep your files and
directories in line with a structured system so that you can quickly and easily find the
documents and resources you need when you need to get at them. We do not impose a
method of organising your hard disc, each user will have their own preferred system of
filing in mind.
You might choose to organise you files according to type (all Drawfiles together, all textfiles
together, etc.) or maybe group files according to their subject matter (correspondances in
one folder, drawing in another, etc.). The choices is entirely yours -here are a couple of
examples to guide you: