performance hit, but this is not significant on modern machines.
Sub-pixel anti-aliasing goes one step further than normal anti-aliasing by smoothing text
together at very small font sizes. This allows kerning to appear correct in such circumstances
when a single pixel is too large a measure. You should be aware that it can slow the operating
system if set to a large value and is rarely needed for sizes much above 8 point. It also uses a
lot of RAM.
The initial and limit values for the font cache specify how much memory is allocated to
remembering fonts to speed up the drawing of them. The initial font cache will always be
allocated, but as more weights are used, it may grow to the value set as the limit. Setting
font cache limit
will allow the cache to grow as needed.
The Help tool
This tool is provided to allow you to set up the !Help context-sensitive help utility. You can
choose which font is used to display help messages, how long you have to leave your pointer
over things before the help is displayed, and whether or not "common" messages about
windows, scrollbars and other desktop features are displayed.
RISC OS 4 provides an online Help system which provides context-sensitive help on icons,
windows, and menus displaying help at the pointer. The !Help utility is fully compatible with
all existing "helpful" applications tried.
In addition, the !Help utility allows you to disable the more common RISC OS 4 help
messages, making it much less intrusive. The Help Configure tool can be used to set which
font is to be used by the !Help utility, whether common messages are shown or not, and the
time delay before the help appears.
To start up the new !Help, open the Apps folder from your Icon Bar, and double click on !
Help or, in the Configuration window, click MENU to open the Confiuration menu, then
click SELECT on "Help..." to launch the !Help application. You can now point to anything
that you wish to receive information about. To trigger the help message, you must leave your
pointer motionless for a brief (adjustable) period until the information appears.