Monitoring and Configuring the Printer
channel frequency
channel no.
You can enable or disable the WEP function.
To enable the WEP function, specify [on]; to
disable it, specify [off].
To start the WEP function, enter the correct
WEP key.
enc [on|off]
You can enable or disable the WEP function.
To enable the WEP function, specify [on]; to
disable it, specify [off].
To start the WEP function, enter the correct
WEP key.
key [
key value
] val [1|2|3|4]
You can specify the WEP key when entering
in hexadecimal.
With a 64-bit WEP, you can use 10 digit hex-
adecimals. With a 128-bit WEP, you can use
26 digit hexadecimals.
Up to four WEP keys can be registered.
Specify the number to be registered with
When a WEP is specified by key, the WEP
specified by key phrase is overwritten.
To use this function, set the same key
number and WEP key for all ports that trans-
mit data to each other.
You can omit the numbers with “val”. The key
number is set to 1 when making these omis-
keyphrase [
] val [1|2|3|4]
You can specify the WEP key when entering
With a 64-bit WEP, you can use 10 digit hex-
adecimals. With a 128-bit WEP, you can use
26 digit hexadecimals.
Up to four WEP keys can be registered.
Specify the number to be registered with
When a WEP is specified by key phrase, the
WEP specified by key is overwritten.
To use this function, set the same key
number and WEP key for all ports that trans-
mit data to each other.
You can omit the numbers with “val”. The key
number is set to 1 when making these omis-
encval [1|2|3|4]
You can specify which of the four WEP keys
is used for packet encoding. “1” is set if a
number is not specified.
Value configured