Phone numbers have to be written in international standard, without using “+”
or “00” signs in the prefix. If no numbers are entered, configuration and
sending commands over SMS are allowed from all GSM numbers.
SMS data sending settings – enable or disable
event SMS usage. This
setting does not affect replies to SMS request messages – answers are always
sent back to sender telephone number.
Also, functionality
Location by call
is configured in this field. The user can select
what to do with the incoming call: Do nothing (default), Just hang up, Hang up
and report with SMS. Sent SMS is ggps SMS format. If Authorized numbers list
is used, location SMS would be sent only to authorized number. If Caller is not
in the authorized User List - position SMS would not be sent.
Figure 16 SMS configuration
: A mobile phone will not understand SMS with a binary
code, so sending it to a mobile phone is useless. When sending a
binary SMS to a phone number, which is a server phone number,
the server can interpret and understand binary code, so the data
can be read and you can view it on the server.
SMS login and password and authorized number list are used to
protect DB3 Plug&Play module from unauthorized access. The
module accepts messages only from a list of authorized numbers
and with proper module login and password.